Sunday, May 21, 2006

Rainy Sundays and cool websites

Today, a late Spring day, is a dreary wet Sunday in Northamptonshire, England (14 degrees C, gray overcast sky, breezy, constant rain showers) - perfect for spending hours surfing the web. If it was nicer outside I'd venture into the spectacularly green and beautiful countryside around where I live for a cycle ride, as Britain is at its best this time of year. Apart from the weather, that is. So instead, here are a few cool sites and pages I like to visit on days such as these:

Extensive picture galleries of classic British children's TV, sci-fi and comic-strip books

Extensive picture galleries of toy ray guns from all over the world

Amazing Flash version of Sega's "Sonic the Hedgehog" video games

The original Star Wars movie trilogy as three animated GIF cartoons

The bizarre interactive Flash world of "Vectorpark"

Find out what's happening in the world of "Grand Theft Auto" gaming

Hopefully you'll find those links will help pass the time a little less boringly than might otherwise have been the case. :-)

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